Northern Ireland: ICT Literacy

ICT has been a focus of our development for a number of years. Our teachers have worked extremely hard to improve standards and continually develop our practice to ensure we meet the requirements of an evolving curriculum. Teachers at Thornfield House School are striving to embed ICT across the curriculum as a tool to motivate and support teaching and learning. Our teachers recognise that ICT can have a motivational impact on learning activities and promote engagement and pupil participation, particularly boys. It can be tailored to meet special individual needs and different learning styles through a range of devices and software purchased by school.


Our children benefit from timetabled lessons in our ICT room which houses an interactive whiteboard and twelve desk top computers. Each primary classroom has a minimum of two computers / laptops and an interactive whiteboard. Each post-primary classroom has a minimum of three computers / laptops and an interactive whiteboard. All classrooms are linked to We have eight colour printers / photocopiers which can be accessed by the entire school. We have recently purchased twenty seven iPads and ten cameras with a video recording function to support the development of skills in Using ICT across the five ‘E’s; Explore, Express, Exchange, Evaluate and Exhibit.


Teaching and learning is supported through software packages purchased by our school. Teachers have found that children are engaged, motivated and generally keen to complete activities without fear of failure.


Software packages include:


2Simple Software


2Simple is a creative software package that includes a range of colourful and engaging programmes such as 2Paint a Picture, 2Create a Story and 2Publish. 2Simple Software is very user friendly and children thoroughly enjoying using the broad range of programmes within the package.


Education City


Education City is an interactive software package that supports a range of subjects across the curriculum. Children are motivated by vibrant, colourful graphics and animations and generally don’t realise they are working!


Espresso Education


Espresso Education is a cross-curricular digital learning service for teachers and pupils that is linked to the curriculum. Teachers find it easy to use and a valuable resource in the classroom. Children are engaged through a range of videos, multimedia activities, printable resources and news articles.


Espresso Coding


Espresso Coding is a software package that introduces children to programming. Creativity and perseverance is demonstrated through fun, progressive programmes and step by step instructions.


Live Lessons


Pupils at Thornfield House School have participated in live lessons provided by BBC T.V. They find these sessions fun and are always keen to contribute.


Video Conferencing


Children have thoroughly enjoyed participating in video conferencing sessions with other schools. During sessions children have been engaged and enthusiastic about the lesson content. C2Kni (Education Technology Services) have provided a new video conferencing tool called Collaborate. It was recently used to facilitate a recent World Book Day Event with great success.

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