
At Ullerødskolen we work with:


• Communication

 • Social skills

 • Self confidence

 • Subject oriented teachiing

 • To handle challenges independently

 • Sparetime activities


A team of teachers and paedagogs are connected to each class. It is always the same people working with the class for the whole schoolyear. Their job is to create predictability and continuity in the students´ daily life. We work deliberately on training students´ flexibility, by “structuredly” changing schooldays with cross curricular activities and all school activities such as sportsdays, Reading days and English days. A week a year we suspend all regular classes, mix the whole school in different teams across the age groups and teach in workshops under a common topic.


We take student influence very seriously. We work with democracy not only on an educational level but also in everyday school life. We encourage students to make individual agreements with their teachers if things are difficult – instead of just avoiding challenges. We work with students “ownership” of agreements. We have “belonging to a group” as a fundamental criteria for each individual; if for different reasons a student is incapable of that, it will always be an underlying goal to get him/her there. We work at creating a functional student council and encourage students to use it.