Germany "FiSch - Project"

Inspired by Austrian's "Parental Involvement" Germany got motivated to start another "FiSch-Project". "FiSch" stands for "Family in School". The project was inspired by the Malborough Hospital in England as the „family education“-programme. Colleagues of our school attended a training at the Hesterberg School in Schleswig, Germany.


The programme is based on the idea, that one day per week not only the students, but also their parents visit school. Together, they reflect the week in the different classes the children normally would go to in order to help them in difficult situations. Parents are trained by the teachers "incidentally" to do it in the same way the rest of the week.


Afterwards, the students have two lessons. Their parents have to supervise their own child. After that, there is another evaluation. In the end, parents will understand even better, what problems might happen to their children during a school day and how they could help them in the afternoons.


We are constantly working on getting more parents into this project.