Austria "Culture Week"

In the Spring of 2014, we initiated a special “Cultural Week”, held during the week before the Easter holidays break. It was received with such enthusiasm by pupils and faculty alike that we will continue with a second cultural week this year, again one week prior to the Easter break.


During Cultural Week, normal classes are suspended and replaced by a variety of group workshops for art, music, dance, thespian drama, media, including film and newspapers, handicrafts and more. Each pupil, regardless of age or class level, is free to choose which workshop or workshops he or she wishes to attend. Some workshops are less time intensive than others, so some may be able to participate in more than one workshop during the Cultural Week, thus gaining insight and experience in more than one aspect of cultural activity. The longer workshops usually contain more than one facet of culture anyway.


The last day of Cultural Week allows the pupils from each workshop to present the results of their efforts to the rest of the student body and the teachers, often awakening the interest of those who had chosen other workshops instead, and so further widening everyone’s attention to and awareness of culture. Ample emphasis is place on the cultures of so-called minorities and foreign cultures.

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