Austria "Open Learning"
I like to teach according to the principle of open learning, a type characterized by action-oriented teaching and strongly pupil-centered because the students themselves can choose what they want to learn, when, how, where and with whom.
Open education is also characterized by participation and co-responsibility of students with respect to the infrastructure of the class, keeping jointly established class rules in the class, and as to the common design of the teaching time. Components such as time, place, form and social work form are openly selectable.
Thus, individual progress with the learning material can be easily monitored.
The learning contents of materials (books, card files, learning stations, worksheets, games, etc.) are determined by me, whereby I always keep the official curriculum in view.
To maintain success, I work using a weekly schedule.
The weekly schedule is a written guide that describes the pupils’ assignments for each week, including compulsory tasks and optional tasks. Optional tasks can be additionally freely chosen and executed by the students. The homework exercises that the children get on Monday (usually for a whole week) also include choice and compulsory assignments. The homework always includes a reading text with accompanying questions. I lay down the deadlines for the homework assignments, but the students themselves can choose which tasks they want to do and how and where they want to do them.
Working with the weekly schedule, the pace of work, the order of processing and the social form (for example individual work, pair work, group work) are of free choice.
The work (worksheets, stories, etc.) is checked either by me or by each pupil him- or herself. Many materials that I use feature self-checking tools, so pupils can recognize their own errors and correct them on the spot themselves..
"Open Learning" in grade 7/8 by Sabine Marjanov