Germany "Digital Offensive" - Online media more important in school
The local newspaper startet a project and offered a box of iPads to each school. For four weeks, students from all ages and courses of education were able to try out Digital Literacy and the "Future of Learning". The box offers an iPad for each student in class and is passed around in schools until the end of 2015. In summer 2014, the newspaper "Dithmarscher Landeszeitung" published this article as an interim report saying, that minor difficulties like erasing of apps helped the initiators to improve the project. Due to the close support of the teachers of the Friedrich-Elvers-Schule, the project was most successful in their special school. That is proved by the big picture top right.
For us, the Friedrich-Elvers-Schule Hennstedt, this project was a big support and will lead us to purchase more iPads than the single one, which we own for two years now. The visit in Denmark inspired us to equip the iPads with cases.
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