Hattie and our Comenius project

Motivation ranks above the hinge point with d=0.48.

Important for special education teachers: The comprehensive interventions for learning disabled students is with d=0.77 to rank 8th place. Formative assessment (assessment 'for learning' and 'as learning') matters as much with an effect of 0.9.

It is a fact that effective feedback, delivered at the right time and in the right way enables the teacher to change what he is doing AND helps the student understand their achievement of the learning goals. The student becomes so his own teacher or is the master of his own learning.

List of effects

Different influences belong to the following categories. The rubrics show the different influences and the effect size they have on students achievement.

from: http://visible-learning.org/hattie-ranking-influences-effect-sizes-learning-achievement/

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