Germany "Unique in Schleswig-Holstein"

Friedrich-Elvers-Schule is granted "Europa-Schule" as first special education school


(Heide) It is only seldom, that all students and staff of every branch of the Friedrich-Elvers-Schule meet at the same place. Yesterday, there was a good reason for everyone to meet in the main branch. The Secretary of State of Education Britta Ernst (SPD) visited the school and she brought along a special award.


As the first special education school in the borough Schleswig-Holstein, Britta Ernst nominated the FES being Europa-Schule. The FES lines up with 36 other school, who place value on intercultural cooperation. All over Germany, there are only three special education schools granted by the same title. "In order to be granted, you have to prove having several topics concerning "Europe" in the curriculum", says Undersecretary Ronald Westphal. Besides, there are more requirements like language teaching. "English as an obligatory subject, this is an unique characteristic of the FES", says Westphal, who handled the application. For one year, the application of the school ran through different entities in the State's Ministries, until it got granted in the Ministry of Education.


"I was impressed by your application", says Britta Ernst yesterday at the presentation. This started out, because staff clinged the topics Europe and Inclusion together. "In both cases, it has to do with conquering boundaries", says Ernst. "Many schools in Schleswig-Holstein could learn something from FES.


The students presented in many presentations, which important role is played by Europe and their Comenius-Projects. The programme promotes school partnership in Europe. For many years, staff from FES travels all over Europe, i.e. Great Britain, Zyprus, Denmark und Romania for the purpose of understanding, who inclusion works in other countries. And even if not every student, due to its age, had the chance to travel, the award is being well received. "The award is great", said by students of the branch Wesselburen, who served the food at the school festival. Even at early age, these students have a accurate idea in which countries they are going to travel: mentioned countries range from Norway to Spain.


Not even borough, town and local department paid respect to FES. Also schools from direct neighborhood offered their congratulations. GHO-director Gerhard Thomas is already is a principal of a Europe-school, whereas Günter Orgis from Heide-Ost wants to become one. His application is already on the desk of the Ministry of Education. It may just be a matter of time, when the next awards is delivered into the Friedrich-Elvers-Street.

by Dana Müller (published 19.01.2015 in Dithmarscher Landeszeitung).


translated by Timo Nehring

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